
The Screening Process

How to Prepare

Please plan to arrive 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time and bring your confirmation letter with you. This will help us process your information quickly and accurately.

Please review and follow the guidelines below to ensure the best quality heart screening results.

How to prepare for your screening:

  • Do not wear lotion or oil on skin, as this may interfere with the tests.
  • Wearing pantyhose is NOT recommended.
  • You will be required to remove all clothing from the waist up. Guys, please wear a shirt that you can get in and out of easily. Ladies, please wear a sports bra. (Gowns or cover sheets will also be available for your privacy.)
  • You will be asked to take off your shoes if they cover your ankles.
  • Remove any items that are metal. This includes metal hair barrettes, all jewelry, belts and watches.
  • Turn off your cell phone and any other electronic devices prior to entering the screening room.
  • Inform your technician if you have a pacemaker.

What to expect during your ECG screening:

  • After you enter the screening room, the technician will take your height, weight, and blood pressure (in both arms).
  • You will be required to remove all clothing from the waist up. Gowns or cover sheets will also be available for your privacy.
  • You will then lie on your back on the screening table and be encouraged to relax.
  • Ten (10) small stickers (electrodes) will be placed on your chest, arms, and legs after the technician has cleaned these areas with alcohol.
  • The technician will run the ECG test and then remove the stickers (electrodes).
  • After the stickers (electrodes) are removed, you can get dressed.
  • The test does not hurt and takes only a few minutes.

The Results

The screening results are first interpreted by our computer software, then over-read by a board certified cardiologist. You will be emailed formal screening results within seven business days. In the event that the screening shows an imminent risk to your child, you would be advised within 48 hours. We keep all results confidential. When you receive an email of your child's screening results, please promptly review and follow any instructions that may be provided within. Thank you for allowing your child to participate in our preventative heart screening.

Inside the screening booth