Coaches & Teachers

Two staggering facts about sudden cardiac arrest include that in 80% of cases the first symptom is the fatal collapse and sudden unexpected death is three times more prevalent in young athletes than non-athletes. For coaches and teachers, it is imperative that you be educated on the dangers of SCA and CAS. It could very well be you who saves the life of a student or athlete. Here are ways you can get involved:
- Educate yourselves on SCA and CAS
- Learn CPR
- Volunteer and help with screenings at your school
- Volunteer to help at community education events
- Coordinate a neighborhood walk or fundraiser
- Tell friends, family, and neighbors
- Participate in the conversation and share on social media
- Donate
“Last year, during my tenure as School Board Chair, I was honored to spearhead a project that will save the lives of many of our students. The SafeBeat Initiative will educate young people and their families, and through education and screening, reduce the risk of death by detectable and treatable cardiac arrhythmia syndromes. We are excited about the opportunities that lay ahead for our students, parents, teachers and community.” - Carol Kurdell (School Board Chair, Hillsborough County, FL)