
Cedar Creek High School Student Dies from Cardiac Arrest

A student from Cedar Creek High School has died due to cardiac arrest, according to a letter sent to students and families Thursday.

The student, a senior from Mullica Township, was involved in both athletics and performing arts in the district, according to the letter.

“This is very difficult for everyone,” Principal Scott Parker said in an email Thursday.

Parker declined to comment further Thursday “out of respect for the family.”

“Her spirit and love for her friends, family and school were undeniable. As we mourn her loss, we should remember her love for life and focus our thoughts and prayers toward her family as they struggle with this terrible tragedy,” the letter from the school reads.

Due to school being closed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and New Jersey’s social distancing guidelines, peer group counseling services are being offered to students via Zoom by the Alcove Center for Grieving Children & Families at thealcove.org.

Cedar Creek counselors and the school’s psychologist and social worker are available for individual students who email and request a time to talk. In addition, the school is holding small group meetings through Google Meet starting Friday and running through next week.

The district is urging students to reach out if they need to speak with someone.

Story Credit: https://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/education/cedar-creek-high-school-student-dies-from-cardiac-arrest/article_33e721cd-a64c-53fd-a6ef-324dfd02ecdb.html

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