
Heartbroken Brimfield Family Reflects after High School Teen’s Unexpected Death

Jacob Look

Photo Courtesy of GoFundMe page

A 17-year-old with dreams of playing sports professionally died after a tragic medical emergency at home. Brimfield teenager, Jacob Look, was found unresponsive in a hot tub on Monday.

“He never went to bed without coming and giving me a kiss and telling me, ‘I love you mama llama,’” said Anne Look, Jacob’s mother.

Anne Look said her 17-year-old son’s life was cut too short.

“He was my big son,” said Anne Look.

17-year-old Jacob Look was found unresponsive in a hot tub at his family home Monday evening in Brimfield. Despite his parents trying CPR, plus first responders, he arrived to the hospital in critical condition. The Peoria County Coroner said Jacob Look died Tuesday morning.

“It’s the most devastating loss that any parent would ever go through,” said Anne Look.

Jacob Look wore number 30 on his back as he played basketball for Brimfield High School. His mom and brother said at 6 feet, 5 inches tall, he had even bigger dreams than the high school court.

“We liked to talk about when we would make it in life and he would be playing in the NBA and I would be doing something and we would be able to provide for all of our family and friends,” said Evan Look, Jacob’s brother.

His school’s superintendent said staff and students were devastated.

“He was a very inclusive type of kid who really liked everyone, I don’t know anyone who said a cross word about him,” said Brimfield Superintendent, Tony Shinall.

His family and friends described him as a fun-loving son, leader and a good brother.

“He was always there for me,” said Evan Look.

“He wanted to live his life in a way that made him proud,” said Anne Look.

Now his family is mourning his life after what the coroner said was a tragic accident.

“The autopsy has provided us a little more clarity, knowing that it was not in fact a neurologic problem, but a cardiac problem that led to his drowning,” said Anne Look.

Peoria County Coroner Jamie Harwood said, “Final testing will confirm once those results are finalized.”

Anne Look wants to now make sure everyone knows how loved they are, just like Jacob.

“He knew that you need to let everybody know that everyday, that you love them,” Anne Look said.

Story Credit: https://www.week.com/2021/12/09/heartbroken-brimfield-family-reflects-after-high-school-teens-unexpected-death/

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