Team Effort, AED Saves Teen In Cardiac Arrest

ST. LOUIS (WJRT) - (12/20/16) - Just in time for Christmas, a Mid-Michigan family has a lot to be thankful for.
A coach, off-duty firefighter and two police officers teamed up to save a teen whose heart wasn't beating the way it should.
It was Friday, Dec. 9 during a high school basketball practice at St. Louis' middle school that something didn't seem right with Maverick Giles.
First he wobbled against the wall, prompting coach Dan Nealy to come talk to him. Giles then collapsed and Nealy started CPR within seconds.
Another coach called 911, and a student called his father, who had just dropped him off.
The father, firefighter Dick Prestage, came back to the middle school and took over CPR, according to St. Louis Police Chief Richard Ramereiz.
Less than four minutes later, police officers Matt VanHall and Sarah Chamberlain arrived with an AED.
"Got the pads hooked up to him and it advised a shock almost immediately," VanHall said.
The police department owns two AEDs and is working to get a third.
One shock brought the 16 year old back.
"It was definitely a sigh of relief. We weren't in the clear yet, but things were looking better," VanHall said.
Paramedics arrived and took Giles to the hospital. He was later transferred to Helen DeVos Children's Hospital in Grand Rapids.
Giles had an internal cardiac defibrillator installed and is now home recovering.
Ramereiz says Giles' doctors told him the AED was administered in just the knick of time.
"Had he not been shocked, he would not be here," Ramereiz said.
Ramereiz says this team save highlights the importance of having AEDs in public places, and people learning CPR, especially in high school.
Michigan lawmakers have been considering making it a high school requirement.
"Think of all the things our kids are offered at school, and this is probably one of the more important things that they could ever learn," Ramereiz said.
Everyone involved is thankful they were in the right place, at the right time and had the right equipment.
"I'll never forget this one," VanHall said.
"This is probably the best Christmas gift his family could ever receive," Ramereiz said.
Before this happened, the middle school had one AED; they have since added a second and it sits right outside the gym.
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