It Is Silent but It Is Fatal

Most people are unaware that they suffer from heart disease because the signs and symptoms are not very specific. Heart disease is responsible for the most number of deaths worldwide with more than 17.3 million fatalities every year. This figure is estimated to rise to 23 million by the year 2030.
Heart disease can be insignificant and are often ignored until it is too late. It is important to know that proper knowledge and early detection hold the key to successful treatment of heart disease. It is important to learn to recognise the symptoms, especially if you are at risk, that is, you are over the age of 60, diabetic, overweight or have high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol levels.
Chest discomfort
This is probably the most common and well-known sign of heart problems. People may feel any sort of discomfort ranging from stinging pain to pressure or tightness in the chest, which lasts for about a few minutes. While different people describe it differently, any such signs must be taken seriously and the person be immediately examined by a senior doctor.
Pain in the left arm
A pain in the chest that radiates outward to the left side of the body, especially the arm, is a classic indication of an impending heart attack. The person should be rushed to the nearby hospital at once.
Feeling lightheaded
There may be many reasons for you to feel dizzy or faint for a moment. While it could be as slight a problem as not having enough to eat or drink, it may be a warning sign of a heart attack. Sometimes when you have a block in your arteries, your heart may not be able to pump as much blood as it should, causing the blood pressure to drop. If this sign is accompanied by chest discomfort or breathlessness, then you should see the doctor immediately.
Nausea, Stomach Pain, Indigestion
Yes, these symptoms can be present for many other reasons as well and may have nothing to do with heart disease. However, be warned that they may also indicate an imminent heart attack. These symptoms are commonly seen in women who present with heart disease. Some people may even vomit during or just before a heart attack. Thus, if you are at risk of heart disease and experience any of these symptoms, it is best to visit your doctor to rule out any major ailments.
Pain in the jaw
This symptom, in general, may be caused by a cold, sinusitis or any other muscular problem. However, if you have a throat or jaw pain that starts at the chest and spreads outward, then it could be an indication of a heart attack.
Sweating in summers may not be anything to worry about. However, if you are sweating profusely for no apparent reason, then you should seek medical help immediately, as it could be the sign of a heart attack.
Snoring is one of the most annoying yet common problems. However, if your snores sound like choking or gasping then it could mean you are suffering from sleep apnea. There are instances in your sleep when you stop breathing for a few seconds. This condition puts extra pressure on the heart as the oxygen level in your blood drops.
A persistent cough
A nagging cough can be troublesome and could well be a sign of heart disease. You must get your doctor to check what is causing this cough. If your chronic cough produces white or pink mucus, it could indicate poor performance from the heart leading to blood leaking into the lungs.
Arrhythmia or irregular heartbeats
It is common to feel a fluttering in the heart occasionally. However, if your heart skips a beat too often then it could be due to arrhythmia. Arrhythmia is a condition in which the heart either beats too quickly or too slowly. Even though this condition is not very serious, it may be dangerous in some cases causing sudden cardiac arrest. Common symptoms include fatigue, dizziness, fainting or feeling lightheaded often, rapid heartbeats (tachycardia), slow heartbeats (bradycardia), pain in the chest and breathlessness.
Heart defects
This is commonly seen in newborns and young children. Congenital heart defects usually show signs right after birth. However, some less serious conditions may sometimes become evident only after a few years or in adulthood. Common signs of any heart defects include grey or blue skin coloration, swollen legs, torso or puffiness around eyes failing to maintain normal developmental parameters, shortness of breath during feeding, often seen in infants, fatigue, irregular heartbeats or dizziness indicate weak heart muscles. These conditions can very well be treated in childhood by way of corrective surgeries, if detected in time.
In conclusion
Even if you do not have some obvious symptoms, it is a good idea to get a checkup done on a regular basis. Bring about lifestyle changes with immediate effect and ensure that you consume a heart-healthy diet. The key to being free of heart disease lies in prevention.
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