Principal Meets Emergency Dispatcher Who Helped Save Her Life

ST. GEORGE (News4Utah) - An elementary school principal met the emergency dispatcher who helped save her life.
It was November 29th when a 911 call came into the dispatch center in St. George from the Washington County School District.
One of their employees was unconscious.
"We have a principal that just passed out ... and she's not breathing, she's not breathing," said the man on the other line.
Amy Mitchell, principal at Red Mountain Elementary School went into sudden cardiac arrest while at the district offices.
"I had my laptop out and just kind of went forward, and I had both principals to my side, one happened to be my husband, and they both just shouted at me: 'Amy, Amy,' and I don't remember any of this, this is just what they've told me," said Mitchell.
Dispatcher Katie LaFevre walked Mitchell's co-workers through CPR and using a defibrillator.
Lafevre was honored Thursday with a life-saving award at City Hall.
"And so it is nice to put a face with everything that was going on --to actually see who is actually alive who may not have been," said LaFevre.
Thanks to these people I get to see that, I get to go to my school and see the 500 kids that were cheering for me, and praying for me, and writing me the cutest notes, and cards, so I feel extremely lucky," said Mitchell.
Since the incident, the school district has trained hundreds of their staff and volunteers in CPR.
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