Pensacola Teen Off Life Support after Cardiac Arrest During Practice

Photo: Jaylen Clausell Photo source: Cielita Allen
PENSACOLA, Fla. (WEAR) — Doctors are searching for answers after a Pensacola student suddenly collapsed during a basketball practice.
But the reason has doctors puzzled.
Jaylen Clausell is being treated at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville after he went into cardiac arrest during an AAU basketball practice five days ago.
Jalen's mother said what happened to her son is a medical mystery.
Cielita Allen walked out of her son's hospital room talk to Channel 3's Jamarlo Phillips Tuesday afternoon.
Allen said her son was on life support for five days.
She said doctors took him off of life support Monday and her family is now waiting for test results.
Allen also said her son has played sports all of his life. He is currently a sophomore at Pine Forest High School.
"He's ready to get back to doing his own thing, nothing can keep him down, nothing," said Allen.
Jaylen's parents said basketball is his hobby but football is his passion
Besides from being treated for flu-like symptoms earlier this year his mother said he has always been a healthy kid.
"He has been fine since then. This has been like a mystery," Allen added.
Jaylen's life changed last week.
Allen said 45 minutes after she dropped him off for basketball practice she was called back.
"When I got there he was on the floor and they were doing CPR on him, which seemed like forever," Allen explained.
Allen said her son passed out on the court and went into cardiac arrest
After trips to several hospitals in our area, Jaylen is now being treated in Jacksonville for doctors there to run tests.
"They're working to try to find answers. They're kind of narrowing it down. This is not going to be anything that is long term from the looks of things. He is not going to have transplant or anything like that. In the beginning it wasn't good at all," Allen said.
Jaylen's mother has been by his side and said he is feeling much better,
"He came off the ventilator, life support yesterday, he started talking and now he is actually sitting in the room in a chair now nodding off a little bit," said Allen.
Allen said since the incident, teammates and other friends, his coach and coaches from other schools reached out to his family for support.
"I told him, I said Jaylen, everyone is supporting you, everybody is praying for you and he tells me 'mom stop capping', and I said what is that, he said 'mom are you serious?' I said I am," she said.
We called the Escambia County School District but they did not want to comment,
Jaylen's mother said doctors plan to keep him in the hospital for five more days.
She said Jaylen has never broken any bones or gone through any surgeries.
There will be a basketball game on Sunday at 6:30 p.m. at Pine Forest High School to raise money to help the family.
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