CPR Can Make The Difference Between Life And Death

When a serious accident or medical emergency happens, having someone there who knows first aid and CPR could mean the difference between life and death for the victim. This is why so many people, both within the medical field and outside of it, choose to get their CPR certification. With this education and skill set at the ready, you can take action immediately when you notice that someone is in need of assistance, and you can help prevent permanent damage to the victim’s body or you could even help keep them alive.
Continue reading to learn more about how CPR can make the difference between life and death, especially if you are unsure about whether or not you should attend a certification course.
Cardiac Arrest Is a Top Killer
When it comes to medical emergencies that can result in death, cardiac arrest is at the top of the list. When cardiac arrest occurs suddenly, it is impossible to save the victim unless someone with an education in CPR is there to step up and help until professional medical help arrives. In America, for example, cardiac arrest is actually the top killer of individuals who are 40 years old and older, and only roughly 11% of people who end up suffering from cardiac arrest will survive. But, if CPR is administered in time, the survival rate actually increases to nearly 40%. This really proves that CPR could be the difference between a person surviving cardiac arrest or succumbing to it.
Most people panic when someone suffers from cardiac arrest collapses in front of them and stops breathing, but if you are educated in CPR, you will be able to maintain your composure and do what it takes to save the victim. If you are able to recognize the signs of cardiac arrest, you can take action immediately, checking a person’s vitals and performing CPR, which involves clearing the airways, performing rescue breathing, and applying compressions to the chest at the right rhythm to keep the blood flowing throughout the body and to the brain. This could help prevent permanent damage, as well as keep the victim alive, even if they are unconscious until an ambulance arrives. In fact, the combination of CPR and calling an ambulance flowing throughout the body and to the brain. This could help prevent permanent damage, as well as keep the victim alive, even if they are unconscious until an ambulance arrives. In fact, the combination of CPR and calling an ambulance right away could help a victim make it through such a traumatizing and serious ordeal.
Some Statistics to Prove the Effectiveness of CPR
To help you realize just how important CPR is during a medical emergency, consider the following statistics:
- According to experts, CPR could double a person’s chances of surviving during an episode of cardiac arrest.
- CPR could be the only way to save someone who suffers cardiac arrest outside of a hospital. Given that 75-80% of individuals who end up in cardiac arrest outside of a medical facility is at home when it happens, the right training will allow you to be there when no one else is.
- Here’s why CPR works so well and why it is so important during a medical emergency: It keeps vital blood flowing to the brain and to the heart, and it could also boost the amount of time that a defibrillator’s electric shock could be effective at reviving someone
- After someone suffers cardiac arrest, brain death begins anywhere from just 4 to 6 minutes later unless CPR and defibrillation can be administered
- Roughly 95% of victims who suffer from sudden cardiac arrest will end up dying before they even get to the hospital, but if CPR is administered, more people can be saved.
- If you think that defibrillation can work on its own, think again. When CPR isn’t provided to the victim, their chances of surviving sudden cardiac arrest drop to anywhere from 7-10% for each extra minute that passes until defibrillation is administered. Resuscitation attempts are not nearly as effective if CPR is not applied within just the first few minutes of someone collapsing
Giving Someone the Help They Need Right Away
The statistics above make it abundantly clear that, when it comes to cardiac arrest, time is of the essence. If no one is there to provide CPR prior to the ambulance arriving with professional medical tools, the victim is much more likely to pass away. Therefore, CPR really does make a huge difference, especially when cardiac arrest occurs outside of a medical facility that is filled with trained professionals and high-tech equipment that can save someone’s life.
If you want to learn how to save someone’s life, CPR is a great place to start. The simple techniques that you will learn throughout the course to certification will give you everything that you need to take action until professional help arrives. As a result, you could really be someone’s life saver and hero in their time of great need.
What Is Involved in CPR?
CPR involves giving the victim chest compressions, which is actually the most important step that you can take. During a CPR class, however, you will learn how to properly perform these chest compressions for optimal results. So, you will cover how hard and how deep to push into the chest, as well as the rhythm that you should keep as you do so.
Beyond that, CPR also involves knowing how to clear a victim’s airway so that he or she can breathe and get some much-needed oxygen into the body. And once the airway is cleared, you could also learn how to apply rescue breaths to keep oxygen flowing into the victim’s lungs.
Are You Ready to Get Certified?
Getting certified to perform CPR and other first aid techniques is possible for anyone. You do not need to be someone who works in the medical field or who is planning on becoming a medical professional. Signing up for a local CPR certification course is easy, too, as many are likely held within your own community. In a short amount of time, you can learn all that you need to know to perform the steps involved in CPR in order to help someone when they need it most.
Story Credit: http://www.econotimes.com/CPR-Can-Make-the-Difference-Between-Life-and-Death-828198