AED's Becoming More Important In Gyms

AED device used in sudden cardiac arrest situations. Photo credit WDAM.
HATTIESBURG, MS (WDAM) - Automated External Defibrillators, or AED’s, are used in situations involving sudden cardiac arrest.
According to the Red Cross, AED’s are the only effective treatment for restoring a regular heart rhythm during sudden cardiac arrest.
Doctor Mark Borganelli at Forrest General hospital said it is an important tool for highly populated places.
“They can be in public places like gyms, golf courses, theaters and shopping malls. Those are all very important places to have AED’s,” said Borganelli.
Planet Fitness in Hattiesburg have AED’s on site in case of an emergency. The general manager of the Hattiesburg location confirmed that all employees must know how to operate AED’s in order to work at the facility.
“In the event that we have to use an AED device, not only are we trained but they’re also designed to be very simple to use,” said general manager Andrew Zornes.
The AED at Planet Fitness is equipped with instructions on the back. The device also has vocal instructions when you turn the device on.
Borganelli wants people to know that AED’s are useful, but standard CPR is also important.
“Everyone needs to do their best in learning standard CPR, because even if you don’t have an AED you can always do CPR until the paramedics arrive” said Borganelli.
While AED’s are important, it’s also important to consult your doctor before any physical activity.
“Consult with your physician before getting into a rigorous exercise program, but if you’re not a member of planet fitness, take a look at the facility you’re at and make sure they have AED device as well," said Borganelli.
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