Tracy Maxwell
Retired Army First Sergeant - Military Police Corp Regiment First Commandant for the Florida Youth Challenge Academy - CEO/Co-Founder Rites of Passage II Manhood, Inc. Expert Trainer for Behavior Modification Programs - Author
"I support and endorse the SafeBeat Initiative simply because it saves the lives of young people. Whether you are an accomplished athlete or just a novice, prevention is extremely important in quality healthcare."

Tracy is a proven leader and expert in enhancing and developing alternative programs for youth. He is a dynamic and charismatic speaker who brings humor and professional candor in his messages to youth, adult care-giver/ parents and professionals. Organizations seeking to develop, improve leadership dynamics and employee teamwork will gain insightful methods honed through his distinguished military career and his work with international and federal law enforcement agencies.
Tracy is the author of a motivational book entitled “Torchlight for Change” My Story and Advice to At-Risk Youth.
He is a United States Army Retired Veteran, First Sergeant who served with distinction in the United States Army Military Police Corp Regiment.
Upon retiring, he became the First Commandant for the Florida Youth Challenge Academy. An at-risk para-military high school in the State of Florida serving troubled youth ages 16-18 for both males and females. Under his leadership and guidance, The Florida Youth Challenge Academy was voted the “Best Challenge in the Nation” in 2005.
He co-founded the Rites of Passage II Manhood Inc. a grassroots mentoring program for youth at-risk and assisted in establishing various male mentoring programs throughout the state. In 2019 the Pueblo Colorado Municipal Courts of Pueblo, Colorado led by The Honorable Judge Carla Sikes invited Tracy to assist in streamlining their program processes during a 6-week court ordered program for trouble youth which led to the program receiving laudatory remarks by Colorado Senator Leroy M. Garcia.
Tracy is a nationally and internationally known and sought after expert trainer for law enforcement courses and quasi-military behavior style modification programs.
Tracy has mentored several student-athletes who completed their bachelor's degrees, athletes currently in college, and a former American Next Top Model of Season 14 (Brenda Arens-Guiterrez). He continues to mentor students in all walks of life.
He holds an undergraduate degree from Columbia College.