Chris Musgrove
Minister of the Gospel; Founder & Director of FutureNow
“When I first learned about the SafeBeat Initiative I immediately thought about all the people that I knew about that had died suddenly from an undetected heart defect. As the Director of a school assembly program that has functioned in North Florida & South Georgia for the past 16 years I have heard of numerous deaths that could have been avoided with a simple screening.
According to the American Heart Association, over 350,000 Americans die annually from sudden cardiac arrest. Some organizations estimate that 14,000 of these deaths are children and young people. These deaths can be prevented if SafeBeat can get to these schools and communities to begin screening that can discover these heart defects before it’s too late. I am honored to endorse and support SafeBeat in its efforts to get in every school in America.”

Chris Musgrove
After barely graduating from high school with his only accomplishment being voted class clown. Chris went on to flunk out of Florida State University in his first two quarters and to compound issues he had his driver’s license suspended. Someone close to him told him he needed to get a plan for his life or he was going to end up in prison or worse, dead. This truth motivated him to get back into college and get his degree. He became the first member of his family to get a college degree. Chris then went on to become a devoted youth minister for seventeen years. Chris & his wife Terri founded FutureNow, (a school assembly program) in the spring of 2001. He left his ministry position to do FutureNow fulltime in 2004. He was told by someone that his four children would starve to death if he quit his job. That was 13 years ago and now two of his children serve full time with him in FutureNow. Since its inception FutureNow has been to over 200 schools and Chris and his family have traveled to numerous states and several countries.

FutureNow uses a state of the art sound, lighting, and video production to bring their message of vision, purpose, and destiny through music, drama, and real life stories. FutureNow’s focus in the day assemblies is vision, purpose, & destiny. In other words, “where are you going? And how are you going to get there?” They have seen that drugs, alcohol, premarital sex, gangs, violence, bullying, and failing grades aren’t the problem. They are just symptoms of a bigger problem being no vision, plan or goals. FutureNow’s assembly also brings out the importance of the education system. Chris explains the education system is there to help you determine your skill sets and then develop them. But if there is no application there will be no determination or development. He routinely says, “Information is like fuel, whoever has the most will go the furthest”.

At the end of the assembly the students are invited back that night to an event sponsored by the schools local Christian club. That night the gospel is shared through music, drama, and real life stories. Since its inception FutureNow has been to hundreds of schools and seen several hundred thousand students with over 20,000 making decisions for Jesus Christ.

Chris is also the author of “Daily Stir” a devotional that goes out to thousands every day.
Chris and his wife Terri has been in full time youth ministry now for thirty-two years. They currently reside in Valdosta, GA and have four children Josh and Kasey (Musgrove) Burk, Christian and Bobbie Jean Musgrove, Victoria, & Isaac.