Teaching Heart Health To Kids

February is Heart Month, a perfect time to help your kids learn how important it is to keep their heart healthy.
We tell our kids eat your fruits and veggies. But should we also be teaching them heart health?:
(Dr. Carnethon) “Long term research studies have shown us that kids who have healthy behaviors grow into adults with healthy behaviors.”
Doctor Mercedes Carnethon, Associate Professor at Northwestern University and American Heart Association volunteer, says heart disease is a long process that starts with risk factors in childhood.
So the younger the better to adopt healthy habits; not just eating healthy, but regular sleep and daily physical activity:
(Dr. Carnethon) “If it’s getting up in the morning to do jumping jacks or sit-ups before going to school, it needs to happen every day, some little bit.”
She says it helps to get the whole family active together, keep it fun and exciting and tailored to kids’ ages:
(Dr. Carnethon) “My daughter says it’s time for our dance party, so we’ll do a dance party.”
It doesn’t have to be a sport or a skill and it’s never too late to start. So maybe for this Valentine’s Day, you can teach your kids to love their heart.
With FOX on Family, I’m Lisa Brady.
Dr. Mercedes Carnethon is a mother of two and an Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine.
Story Credit: https://radio.foxnews.com/2017/02/10/teaching-heart-health-to-kids/