Live Longer & Better

Living longer and better doesn’t have to be hard – you just need to tweak some of the foods you eat and add in some simple lifestyle changes. Whether it’s cutting down on take-aways or adding a little more colour to your plate, here’s what you can eat more of (and do less of!) to make sure you stay fit and healthy…
Take turmeric to reduce inflammation
You might have seen this ingredient in the spice aisle, but it also has uses outside of the kitchen. This root contains curcumin — a strong antioxidant with powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Inflammation in the body has been proven to play a big role in lots of chronic illnesses like heart disease and Alzheimer’s, so pick up some turmeric capsules from a health food shop or, if you can bear it, add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to hot water and honey.
Drink lemon water to lose weight
There’s a reason this hot citrus drink is loved by health fanatics. Lemon peel has pectin in it — a fibre that digests slowly, making you feel fuller for longer. After a coffee it’s common to get a caffeine crash (often leading to unhealthy snacking), but by drinking lemon, you’re less likely to want to snack — and you’ll help ward off weightrelated complications like high blood pressure.
Eat more fermented foods for a healthy gut
Things like yoghurt, sauerkraut, and pickles are all types of fermented food, and they have amazing effects on your gut. Most digestive problems are due to an imbalance of good and bad bacteria, so by eating more of these foods you’re helping to get a better balance and ease stomach problems. Studies have also shown them to be good for people with weak immune systems.
Eat fewer take-aways to reduce the risk of diabetes
Did you know that one in four adults prefers to order take-aways rather than cook at home, even though around six out of ten people know that making it at home would cost a lot less and taste just as good? The order-out culture is on the rise, and that means so is type 2 diabetes and heart disease – which are directly related to unhealthy diets.
Go Mediterranean to keep the fat away
Dieting doesn’t have to be over-complicated — just go Mediterranean. ‘The principles of it include eating lots of fruits, vegetables, cutting out processed foods and salt and limiting red meat intake,’ says weight-loss specialist Dr Sally Norton. ‘In essence, eating REAL food in sensible portions.’ A manageable, colourful diet will help you stay in good shape and keep the weight off in the long-term.
Dance away dementia
‘Keeping active and controlling your blood pressure is good for the heart — but research also suggest that it’s great for the head, too,’ says Dr Mike Knapton from the British Heart Foundation. You don’t have to put in hours of work in a gym to be active, so find something that raises your heart rate a little, but that you enjoy at the same time — like dancing! It’s a great way to get moving and meet some new friends.
Eat more purple vegetables to help blood pressure
Purple sprouting broccoli, and the purple versions of carrots, sweet potatoes and asparagus (which you can buy in most big supermarkets) contain high levels of antioxidants, which help keep your heart healthy, and can reduce blood pressure. By eating more of these veggies you can also ensure your skin stays young – the natural purple pigment contains resveratrol, which has been linked to preventing the premature ageing of your skin cells.
Sleep your way to a healthy heart
By sleeping less than 5 hours a night, you’re putting yourself in danger of health complications like increased blood pressure – which is linked to strokes and heart attacks – and, if you suffer from insomnia, then you’re likely to develop more worrying side effects than a few yawns the next day. Aim for 7-8 hours of restful sleep a night to live longer.
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