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Posted on 08/31/2010 @ 01:29 PM

It’s time for children to head back to school for a new school year!  Some parents and children head back with some trepidation of what the year holds for them.  Having put four through school I know all the ups and downs of the start of a new school year.

Initially it’s making sure that they have the necessary back-to-school supplies to have a successful year.  Then the work begins; learning, studying and making the grade on the big test!

There’s one test, though, that your child should take that isn’t readily available to them in most schools and it’s the easiest test they will ever take; an EKG (electrocardiogram)!  And believe it or not, if their EKG test comes back with a negative grade; it’s a blessing in disguise!

A negative or abnormal EKG could mean that your child has an undetected heart condition; cardiac arrhythmia.  Once detected, LIFE goes on.  I use the word LIFE boldly because an undetected heart condition may only mean death if “not detected”.  There are 7,000 children that die every year, 20 per day, from undetected heart conditions.  Our aim, through the “Safebeat Initiative” is to change those statistics!

We, presently, are “screening hearts and saving lives” in Hillsborough County, FL with All Children’s Hospital of St. Petersburg, FL as our partners.  If you have a child in the high school system in this area, please sign your child up for a screening when the “Safebeat Initiative” visits your school.

Again, this is the easiest test your child will ever take and very well may save their life!

The following article spells out the very reason why!


We are extremely proud!

As a mother who has lost a child to a heart abnormality, I can’t express enough how fabulous it feels to know that you saved someone else’s child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (or the life of another family member; cardiac arrhythmias being genetic and hereditary)

If you don’t live in Hillsborough County, FL area and you’re reading this, you can still get the facts and take action; find out if your school, in the event of emergency, has an AED, how many, where are they located in the building, is there someone in the building trained to use it, someone trained in CPR, learn the warning signs etc., etc., and spread your knowledge to other parents!

Every bit of knowledge and awareness helps save children’s lives!   Try not to let you’re child, or the child of someone you may know, be a statistic.  Get the facts, spread the word and you too may very well save a life!

