We would like to take the time to personally thank each and every one of the individuals below for their enormous amount of support and volunteer time spent to help make our Spring 2018 heart screening events successful!
Wolfson Children's Hospital Staff

Wolfson Children's Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida faithfully provided staff to assist with numerous needs - ECHO techs and pediatric cardiologists for our Okefenokee RESA screening event, support and communication staff throughout the entire set of spring screenings, on-site EKG techs and support staff, and pediatric cardiologists to over-read student medical charts and EKG results. We are truly grateful for their unwavering assistance and are looking forward to future success with their incredible team!

University of North Florida - Nursing Students
Amanda Clifton, Angela Kalem, Charlotte Mack, Chima Ekwueme, Christen Trogolo, Elena Parhomchuk, Gregory Cook, Kristen Crumpton, Kristine Gromlovits, Leslie Lohse, Mary Herbert, Monica Bye, Rebecca Newell, Sarah Tapscott, Stephanie Gebhardt, Valerie Mattocks, Kim Blythe, Brandon Keys
Riveroak Technical College - Nursing Students
Ashlyn Hurst, Candice Davis, Cynthia Schiller, Jodi Carter, John Boatright, Kelsi Brickles, Laketia Williams, Leanne Geiger, Lisa Hicks, Patricia Brinson, Shayla Weaver, Thomas Redler, Tiffany Young
Ware County School, Students, and Medical Staff
Lynn Rivers, Marci Johnson, Lisa Batten, Lexi Batten, Jenna Floyd, Wendy Dixon, Brittany Ammons, Sherry Bailey, Jen Robert, Penny Bennett, Katrina McMillan, Millie Thrift, Kourtland McMillan, Jana Walker, Felicia Wildes, Becky Brantley, Seth McDaniel, Taylor Golden, Alaina Hinnant, Olivia Thrift, Cullee Peavey, Haley Cannon, Korianne Yawn, Emily Thrift, Sarah Tanner, Lana Penland
Baker County School and Medical Staff
Tina Bradley, Amber Griffis, Cheryl Kennedy
Union County School Staff and Nursing Students
Sandra Crawford, Anabell Miller, Angelika Rodriguez, Brannon Cooley, Cady Terry, Chad Sanders, Jenna Kilgore, Madison Bennett, Shyanne Bell, Teala Howard, William Matthew Lynch, Taylor Beatty
Wakulla County School Staff and Nursing Students
Tanya English, Sherry Lohmeyer, Katherine Gray, Kristi Lawhon, Valerie Russell, Abigail Avera, Brianna Poole, Ellie Darnell, Faith Joiner, Haley Hooker, Jaquesha Jefferson, Jonah Harvey, Kendall Taylor, Mikaela Fielder, Molly Woodbery, Natalie Tamm, Taylor Rowan
Madison County School Board Staff
Lori Newman
Renee Langstaff, Ashton Foster, Cherith Walker, Darlene Doggett, Kasey Sapp, Robert Fleming, Sarah Watson, Shauna Colee, Shayna Mosley, Latrevian Cherry, Kenoshica Parrish
We have been incredibly blessed to have been given the support network that surrounds us. We are looking forward to many more screening events and the opportunity to work with some of these fabulous individuals as well as new volunteers in the future!
From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you!
The SafeBeat Team