During April, buds come into full bloom brightening our days, and National Month of Hope also lends a hand in lifting our spirits.
Bringing hope to someone can take many forms. Being a positive role model in the life of a child or providing a community a foundation for future endeavors both provide hope for the future. Lift the spirits of a friend suffering from a medical issue or volunteer at a local homeless shelter. We are each able to bring a ray of hope in our own ways by contributing wisdom, time, kindness and when possible donate to charities that make the impossible possible.
Everyone needs a little hope now and then. Spread a little sunshine their way and bring some hope into their lives.
❖ Volunteer by reading to children in schools ❖ Experience meaningful and healthy communication with loved ones, family, friends, co-workers, and colleagues ❖ Giving of time, food, and money to help families in need ❖ Minister to those incarcerated by writing letters and visiting ❖ Post on social media words of hope ❖ Sharing your story of overcoming with those who are going through hard times ❖ Lending a helping hand to those in need ❖ Cleaning up areas where there is trash such as parks and beaches ❖ Spend a day with the homeless whether on the streets in shelters, etc. “Unless you walk a mile in their shoes you won’t know how to help!”
Use #NationalHopeMonth to share your hope on social media.
Courtesy of
Baker County, Florida - April 10th & 11th
Union County, Florida - April 19th & 26th
Wakulla County, Florida - May 14th, 15th, 16th
Madison County, Florida - May 17th & 18th
Friends & Family Life Saver Team Pages
OUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY LIFESAVER GIVING PAGES give you the ability to donate to support a team, or, create your own personal fundraising page for SafeBeat! These pages will allow you to invite not only friends and family, but co-workers, neighbors, and others to join your TEAM and EVERYONE can work together and make an impact as a TEAM to support SafeBeat's mission!
Learn More Here
Saving Kids Hearts: Giving Day
Any business or organization that would like to give back to their community by supporting SafeBeat's mission to screen hearts and save lives of the local children in an effort to prevent sudden cardiac death!
How Does It Work?
Your business will donate 10% of all pre-tax sales generated during an allotted day to SafeBeat.
Your business or organization will choose the date you wish to designate to fundraising.
How To Sign Up?
Click here to schedule your fundraiser today!
Learn More Here
Huge thanks to all who support our efforts through finances, volunteering, thought, and prayer. We are humbled by the generosity of so many individuals and are excited about the road ahead!
The SafeBeat Team