Wow, what a year! SafeBeat hosted 13 in-school screenings, participated in 6 different events, and screened approximately 1,200 hearts this year alone! We also added 5 amazing ambassadors to our team. This was definitely a year for the books, but we have so much more planned for the future.
We wanted to take a moment and express our gratitude for you and the part you play in the success of our organization. Your support truly makes a difference in the lives of so many families. We know it can be easy to get caught up in the materialistic things during this season, but we'd like you to take a minute to reflect on the true meaning of this holiday. Celebrate with us, the lives that are still represented around their family tree and table because of the life-saving gift you've made.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
The SafeBeat Team |