You may have recently seen an email from the SafeBeat Team sharing an update of this past year. While we rejoice in the successes of this year, there has been much sweat and many shed tears to make our organization what it is. But we cannot (and I stress cannot) continue without you.
Everyday approximately 20 young people die from Sudden Cardiac Arrest! It is still the #1 killer of student athletes and students on school campuses. These numbers hurt my heart so much, as most of these deaths could have been prevented. (For examples of recent tragic losses click here.) Preventative heart screening is the answer.
We continue to have ongoing request from school districts to come protect their youth, but will not be able to serve them all without much needed funding. Will you join us so we can serve more schools and save more children's lives like Donovan Wimberly? What is the value of a child’s life?......PRICELESS!
Please consider making a year-end donation to SafeBeat so we can continue on "Screening Hearts, Saving Lives!".
Sheldon Hill - Executive Director
